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A unique global network of elite rugby professionals

The Rugby Institute elite coaching and ambassador network will be the leading holistic rugby coaching platform for knowledge sharing, up-skilling and education. Our objective is to positively impact, inspire and upskill as many individuals, coaches, teams, supporters and organisations as we can.

"Alone we can do so little; together we

can do so much" 

An innovative elite development hub

We aim to be a leader in player, coach and referee development globally creating a targeted market for sponsorship and promotion opportunities.

Coaches and clubs will have the opportunity to connect with world class coaching consultation to improve systems and philsosphies

Coaches & Clubs

TRI onsite players will have access to specific skill development and game play consultation to create a unique playing envrionment to grow as a player and a team member.

Athletes & Players

TRI aim to be a leader in referee development to ensure refereeing talent is technically supported and assisted is greater detail of every part of the game. at every level.

Refereeing & Analysis

Our innovative "Engine Room" of leading performance professionals creates a unique opportnity for athletes to access the highest level of coaching and skill development. 

Specialist Skill Delivery

Stronger Together
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